. */ $data = ""; $data .= '

Service status

'; //configure script $timeout = "1"; //set service checks /* The script will open a socket to the following service to test for connection. Does not test the fucntionality, just the ability to connect Each service can have a name, port and the Unix domain it run on (default to localhost) */ $services = array(); $services[] = array("port" => "80", "service" => "Web server", "ip" => "") ; $services[] = array("port" => "21", "service" => "FTP", "ip" => "") ; $services[] = array("port" => "3306", "service" => "MYSQL", "ip" => "") ; // $services[] = array("port" => "3000", "service" => "Mastodon web", "ip" => "") ; // $services[] = array("port" => "4000", "service" => "Mastodon streaming", "ip" => "") ; $services[] = array("port" => "22", "service" => "Open SSH", "ip" => "") ; $services[] = array("port" => "58846", "service" => "Deluge", "ip" => "") ; $services[] = array("port" => "8112", "service" => "Deluge Web", "ip" => "") ; $services[] = array("port" => "80", "service" => "Internet Connection", "ip" => "google.com") ; $services[] = array("port" => "8083", "service" => "Vesta panel", "ip" => "") ; //begin table for status $data .= ""; foreach ($services as $service) { if($service['ip']==""){ $service['ip'] = "localhost"; } $data .= ""; //fclose($fp); } else { $data .= ""; fclose($fp); } } //close table $data .= "
" . $service['service'] . "". $service['port']; $fp = @fsockopen($service['ip'], $service['port'], $errno, $errstr, $timeout); if (!$fp) { $data .= "Offline
"; $data .= '
'; echo $data; /* ===================================================================== // // ////////////////// SERVER INFORMATION ///////////////////////////////// // // * =======================================================================/*/ $data1 = ""; $data1 .= '

Server information

'; $data1 .= ""; // $data1 .= "
"; //GET SERVER LOADS $loadresult = @exec('uptime'); preg_match("/averages?: ([0-9\.]+),[\s]+([0-9\.]+),[\s]+([0-9\.]+)/",$loadresult,$avgs); //GET SERVER UPTIME $uptime = explode(' up ', $loadresult); $uptime = explode(',', $uptime[1]); $uptime = $uptime[0].', '.$uptime[1]; //Get the disk space function getSymbolByQuantity($bytes) { $symbol = array('B', 'KiB', 'MiB', 'GiB', 'TiB', 'PiB', 'EiB', 'ZiB', 'YiB'); $exp = floor(log($bytes)/log(1024)); return sprintf('%.2f'.$symbol[$exp].'', ($bytes/pow(1024, floor($exp)))); } function percent_to_color($p){ if($p < 30) return 'success'; if($p < 45) return 'info'; if($p < 60) return 'primary'; if($p < 75) return 'warning'; return 'danger'; } function format_storage_info($disk_space, $disk_free, $disk_name){ $str = ""; $disk_free_precent = 100 - round($disk_free*1.0 / $disk_space*100, 2); $str .= '
'; $str .= "" . badge($disk_name,'secondary') .' '. getSymbolByQuantity($disk_free) . '/'. getSymbolByQuantity($disk_space) .""; $str .= '
'; return $str; } function get_disk_free_status($disks){ $str=""; $max = 5; foreach($disks as $disk){ if(strlen($disk["name"]) > $max) $max = strlen($disk["name"]); } foreach($disks as $disk){ $disk_space = disk_total_space($disk["path"]); $disk_free = disk_free_space($disk["path"]); $str .= format_storage_info($disk_space, $disk_free, $disk['name']); } return $str; } function badge($str, $type){ return "$str"; } //Get ram usage $total_mem = preg_split('/ +/', @exec('grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo')); $total_mem = $total_mem[1]; $free_mem = preg_split('/ +/', @exec('grep MemFree /proc/meminfo')); $cache_mem = preg_split('/ +/', @exec('grep ^Cached /proc/meminfo')); $free_mem = $free_mem[1] + $cache_mem[1]; //Get top mem usage $tom_mem_arr = array(); $top_cpu_use = array(); //-- The number of processes to display in Top RAM user $i = 5; /* ps command: -e to display process from all user -k to specify sorting order: - is desc order follow by column name -o to specify output format, it's a list of column name. = suppress the display of column name head to get only the first few lines */ exec("ps -e k-rss -o rss,args | head -n $i", $tom_mem_arr, $status); exec("ps -e k-pcpu -o pcpu,args | head -n $i", $top_cpu_use, $status); $top_mem = implode('
', $tom_mem_arr ); $top_mem = "
" . $top_mem . "
"; $top_cpu = implode('
', $top_cpu_use ); $top_cpu = "
" . $top_cpu. "
"; $data1 .= "\n"; $data1 .= ""; $disks = array(); /* * The disks array list all mountpoint you wan to check freespace * Display name and path to the moutpoint have to be provide, you can */ $disks[] = array("name" => "local" , "path" => getcwd()) ; // $disks[] = array("name" => "Your disk name" , "path" => '/mount/point/to/that/disk') ; $data1 .= ""; $data1 .= ""; $data1 .= ""; $data1 .= ""; $data1 .= "
Average load
". badge($avgs[1],'secondary'). ' ' .badge($avgs[2], 'secondary') . ' ' . badge( $avgs[3], 'secondary') . "
Disk free " . get_disk_free_status($disks) . "
RAM free ". format_storage_info($total_mem *1024, $free_mem *1024, '') ."
Top RAM user $top_mem
Top CPU user $top_cpu
"; // $data1 .= '
'; $data1 .= '
'; echo $data1; /* ============================================================================= * * DISPLAY BANDWIDTH STATISTIC, REQUIRE VNSTAT INSTALLED AND PROPERLY CONFIGURED. * * ===============================================================================s */ if (!isset($_GET['showtraffic']) || $_GET['showtraffic'] == false) die(); $data2 = ""; $data2 .= '

vnstat Network traffic

'; $data2 .="
$traffic_arr = array();
exec('vnstat -' . escapeshellarg( $_GET['showtraffic'] ), $traffic_arr, $status);

///for testing
$traffic = "
enp0s20  /  monthly

month        rx      |     tx      |    total    |   avg. rate
Sep '18     36.60 GiB |    7.04 GiB |   43.64 GiB |  144.62 kbit/s
Oct '18    400.69 GiB |    1.19 TiB |    1.58 TiB |    5.19 Mbit/s
Nov '18    393.52 GiB |    2.19 TiB |    2.57 TiB |    8.72 Mbit/s
Dec '18    507.28 GiB |    2.05 TiB |    2.55 TiB |    8.37 Mbit/s
Jan '19    269.01 GiB |    1.39 TiB |    1.65 TiB |    7.51 Mbit/s
estimated    371.92 GiB |    1.92 TiB |    2.29 TiB |
/// for real
$traffic = implode("\n", $traffic_arr);

$data2 .="$traffic
"; echo $data2; ?>